lunedì 27 aprile 2015




Managing emotionsLeaders need to manage the state of mind of those who work with them. Think about it: the most respected managers have a mix, actually quite difficult to objectify, skill and psychological characteristics that, overall, are known as emotional intelligence. 

A true leader is aware of himself and EMPATHETIC, that is able to step into the shoes of others. E 'can read in himself and in others and to regulate their emotions. At the same time, captures how others feel and molds, as a result, the emotional state of your organization. 

Emotional intelligence 
 But where does emotional intelligence? And as you learn to use it? 
The literature most common and also the good sense suggest that this type of intelligence is supported in part by the nature and partly by how it is reared and as we will set our training. Genetic predisposition, experience and training mean that a manager can take advantage of this extraordinary instrument.

Be realistic 
The first advice to give to a manager who wants to try to develop their emotional intelligence is to try to be realistic, especially with regard to what is really this particular kind of intelligence. Many books and articles have helped to spread the concept reducing, from time to time, emotional intelligence to self-awareness, unbridled optimism or tolerance. All these definitions have been popular for a certain period of time, accompanied by statements greatly exaggerated the importance of this type of intelligence.It should be said, however, that different personality traits, however admirable, do not necessarily contribute to define uniquely emotional intelligence. In addition, these traits are difficult to assess collectively in order to reveal their relationship to success in business or in life. Let's, for example, to think about how important the self-awareness to be a successful leader but also to the self-awareness to be able to lower self-esteem, which often is a key component of leadership status.

"Feel" the others
 From a scientific point of view but also popular, emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive their own emotions and those of others and to understand the signals.The optimism, initiative, self-confidence and other positive characteristics can enrich it but definitely not define it.Researchers have studied for years the emotions of the people trying to identify the mechanisms that allow the understanding. Asking, for example, to identify the emotions transmitted from one face can identify people who get high scores, and which can be considered, for this feature, different from the mass.In the business world, they appear to be able to deal more easily with customer complaints or to mediate disputes and can excel in the difficult task to bring together people with strong and positive colleagues weak and submissive.A person high in emotional intelligence can be optimistic or pessimistic, secure and insecure, trusting or skeptical. The danger (and error) is in assuming that just because a person is optimistic and self-confident, both emotionally intelligent. One mistake can really cost you dearly in certain areas.

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